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two types of whatsapp bot service ~ about pc trick

            Whatsapp bot services

Hey friendsi i will tell about whatsapp bot service

There is two type of bot of whatsapp 

1.automatic group poster

 this bot is powerd by duta whatsapp service and it is posting automaticaly many things into your group

Like when you are not there and your group members are feeling booring then it will manage your group like send jokes ,news ,hindi samachar, and many more. 

How to turn on automatic group poster 

Save the number.  +917200037284

Add into your group and it will send massages

2. whatsapp bot service

This is the also whatsapp bot and it is powerd by

How it works

This is the bot service which is giving free shayri ,jokes,samchar and many more 

Save this number..9408942579
And msg him hi or hell to get imformation about it and how to get jokes ,samachar,shayri for free 

Enjoy two types of whatsapp bots service